Social Media Impacts of Relationship



Social Media and Relationship



The study suggests that social media has both positive and negative effects on romantic relationships. The relationship status on the social media site is good as it develops a sense of trust and mutual understanding as well as commitment. While, on the hand, it also has a negative impact as the privacy and security is the main concern. The relationship has no privacy as it is on the public platform (Wilkerson). 

There are studies that show that studying the relationship on blogs or the internet can help in the development and destroying the relationship. Orben and Dunbar (2017) conducted a study on a similar topic and it was revealed that the positive content on the internet will foster the relationship; either online or offline. While the negative content on social media would lead to dissatisfaction and negative views about a relationship (Orben and Dunbar).

Social media has a greater influence. The usage of social media affects family communication and thus affecting their relationship. It is evident from studies that one partner is more involved in online activity than it is distressing for others. Sometimes a conflict arises over the usage of social media (Graff). 

People's perception also matters. It does affect communication. If one partner is using more social networking sites, it will create a negative impact on the other partner leading to dysfunction in a relationship. Well, the proper guide is necessary to use social media carefully.

The debate on the positive and negative influence of social media on a relationship is huge. There is no end to end. Some have positive experiences and other has negative. The truth lies somewhere in between. It is clear from the discussion that social media is affecting our relationships, either it exists online or offline. It has an influence. Few types of research also reject the influence of social media on the romantic and family relationship but a large number of researches support this hypothesis that social media do has an impact; both on the positive and negative side.


Social Media and Relationship



The study suggests that social media has both positive and negative effects on romantic relationships. The relationship status on the social media site is good as it develops a sense of trust and mutual understanding as well as commitment. While, on the hand, it also has a negative impact as the privacy and security is the main concern. The relationship has no privacy as it is on the public platform (Wilkerson). 

There are studies that show that studying the relationship on blogs or the internet can help in the development and destroying the relationship. Orben and Dunbar (2017) conducted a study on a similar topic and it was revealed that the positive content on the internet will foster the relationship; either online or offline. While the negative content on social media would lead to dissatisfaction and negative views about a relationship (Orben and Dunbar).

Social media has a greater influence. The usage of social media affects family communication and thus affecting their relationship. It is evident from studies that one partner is more involved in online activity than it is distressing for others. Sometimes a conflict arises over the usage of social media (Graff). 

People's perception also matters. It does affect communication. If one partner is using more social networking sites, it will create a negative impact on the other partner leading to dysfunction in a relationship. Well, the proper guide is necessary to use social media carefully.

The debate on the positive and negative influence of social media on a relationship is huge. There is no end to end. Some have positive experiences and other has negative. The truth lies somewhere in between. It is clear from the discussion that social media is affecting our relationships, either it exists online or offline. It has an influence. Few types of research also reject the influence of social media on the romantic and family relationship but a large number of researches support this hypothesis that social media do has an impact; both on the positive and negative side.